Institutional Information
Institutional Accountability Plan and Report (IAPR)
These reports review °ÍÀè·èÂíÐã’s performance over the years and contain the summary of our plans for the future. Also outlined are the many accomplishments of °ÍÀè·èÂíÐã and our role in helping the Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Training as well as the Province of British Columbia meet their objectives in the realm of post-secondary education.
Quality Assurance Process Audit Report
The Degree Quality Assessment Board (DQAB) performs audits based on information provided by public post-secondary institutions to ensure that rigorous, ongoing program and institutional quality assessment processes have been implemented. °ÍÀè·èÂíÐã was one of five public post-secondary institution volunteers to test the new Quality Assurance Process Audit (QAPA) during the pilot (2016-2018).
Space Utilization
The Space Utilization Activity Report shows what the total student activity is at each of our campuses. It shows what the total instructional space is for the various types of instructional facilities and how utilized those facilities are. These facilities range from classrooms to workshops to library space.